Every month my vet sends me two of your big white worm tablets.
They look like pessaries.
Actually, it would be a lot easier if I did just have to shove them up the arses of my two black Labs.
But no.
I have to make them eat the damn things.
"Just swallow the pill, Goddammit."
I mean, Labradors aren't dogs, they are garbage disposal units. I live on a vineyard, and it's commonly known that grapes, the pips in particular, are fatal to dogs.
Not for Hawk and Whetu. They just eat the grapes and poo out the pips. Whole.
Whetu will eat anything - zucchini which have swelled into marrows because I forgot to pick them, chook poo which gives her an itchy bum so she's developed this method of planting her anus on the ground then sticking her back legs in the air and pulling herself along on her front legs so she can scratch her toosh, cat shit, windfall apples, rabbits they catch and devour every scrap including the fur and claws, crayfish - they both love crayfish bodies, in short nothing is safe from forever hungry Labradors.
Except worm pills.
I wrap them in tasty mince.
Every little bitty scrap of mince gets eaten then the pill gets spat out.
I smother them in honey. The honey gets licked off.
There's only one way to worm these dogs. Every month I wrestle them to the ground, wrench open their jaws, thrust the pill far down into their throats past those sharp white teeth, past their gagging mechanism then quickly hold their jaws shut until they're forced to swallow.
They hate me for it.
Until they get a little treat one second later.
Please, Drontal, do you think you could come up with rabbit flavoured worm pills?