Monday, February 1, 2016

Bitchin' With the Mista & Missus

Don't you hate it when couples bitch with their little private passive aggressive agendas in company?

You know the scenario. Women are especially good at it because they play games so well. Men are pretty straightforward (having only been in heterosexual relationships that's all I'm qualified to comment on, and I've been in a few, so I know a bit about it). Men will just say, "Sorry, you're wrong." Or, "You stupid bitch, you're wrong." Or, "You mad ignorant fucking c*** you don't know what you're talking about." Depending on their level of intelligence, subtlety, and how much they value a) the relationship and b) their balls. Not having them kicked, that is.

Women, on the other hand, will cut in to his conversation and say, "Now sweetie [note the sweetie, which means he is anything but her sweetie] remember, you went that way and bought the tickets and I distinctly recall that I was sitting chatting to Blah Blah and you came back and asked me what I thought and I looked up the catalogue and I said it wasn't $300 it was $400 and you said you could have sworn it was $300 and it was like the time you were mistaken about the colour of that car which you cut off when we were driving along the motorway and you swore at him and I said no you were the one who cut him off and you said a rude word at me and I said would you kindly refrain from using language like that in front of the children they are in the teenage years now and their brains are very vulnerable and you muttered under your breath at me and I asked you to repeat what you said, share it so we could all hear it if it was so important and you were extremely rude and said if I carried on like the woman in the Big Wednesday advertisement then you'd be forced to behave like the poor henpecked man who revved the engine of his boat....."

You get my drift.

Why do they stay together in such a toxic relationship?  Perhaps they don't notice they're doing it, like the How To Boil a Frog Without Him Jumping Away theory - you know, first you put the frog in cold water then very slowly turn up the temperature without him realizing it's getting hot in there.

I looked up "Ask Aunt Daisy!" for help but she had no handy hints on this one, nor any on relationships or marriage. None on sex at all, though she did have this to say about meat:

To Sweeten - If meat begins to go slightly sour, place out of doors in the cool air overnight.

Can't see that helping. Put the dog out on the porch, and he's gonna stray. Just ask Hillary.

Why does this trouble me? Because I find it exceptionally rude and I don't like discourteous behaviour. Save your dirty linen for your own washing line. We're not interested in your petty quarrels; they're boring.

Yes, he might be wrong. She might be talking toss. But think on this, do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?

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